Deb Cartwright

Under my photo you’ll find a lot of reasons why I am a credible development ‘expert’. Truth be told I have just been doing this a long time, and I have had quite a journey myself. I am really passionate about the incredible commitment that socially engaged people make to developing their local communities and I know that, just like me, most of you ended up here because your own story led you here.

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So, here’s the credibility…

I have a Masters degree with distinction from Cass Business School in Voluntary Sector Management. I have worked in the social sector for over 30 years, from the frontline to executive roles. I was nominated to the Woman of the Year lunch in 2015. I have built teams, transformed services and organisations (from a standing start to 7 figures), built partnerships and have developed transformational training for many years. I have had a family in the midst of all of this and that hasn’t always been easy!

I have failed many times and in these failures I have learnt the most.